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Athletes are often seen as some of the healthiest individuals due to their dedication to fitness. Surprisingly, they are also at a higher risk for heart problems. How is that po…
Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 422 million people all over the…
Four days might seem like plenty of time to cover a conference dedicated to health and longevity, but the recent Asprey event at the Sheraton Dallas proved otherwise.  The …
maximize healthy longevity
Ever wondered how some people seem to age gracefully while others struggle with health issues as they grow older?  The answer lies not just in the genes you inherit from your pa…
“Birthday candles don’t tell you how well you’ve been living and they certainly don’t tell you how many years you’ve got left.” Dr. David Sinclair David Sinclair is a prominent …
Epigenetic's play a vital role in aging
Aging is a natural process that all living organisms experience. As you age, your body undergoes a series of changes that can impact your health and quality of life. To better u…
Physical health is the foundation of health
ALT TXT IMG: Elderly man In an era where scientific advancements constantly push the boundaries of human potential, the quest to extend lifespan has become a focal point of inte…
 “On one hand, there’s a sort of sci-fi aspect to how people think about longevity—like it’s just a matter of time until we come up with this magic pill and we don’t have t…
Blood tests play an important role in measuring your health, but which ones? Blood tests have become an integral part of modern healthcare, aiding in preventing, diagnosing, and…