Data-driven, holistic
health optimization.

Do you want to close the 20-year gap between healthspan and lifespan?
In industrialized countries, the average life expectancy is around 80 years, while the average healthspan lags behind at just 60 years. This 20-year gap is primarily caused by major age-related diseases (ARDs) such as diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In addition to these, most adults struggle with debilitating health conditions like low energy, poor sleep, chronic pain, arthritis, allergies, and brain fog, which significantly impact their quality of life.
The root cause of these ARDs and poor health lies in subhealth issues at the molecular and cellular levels. By identifying and managing subhealth proactively, individuals can bridge the gap between healthspan and lifespan. This approach has the potential to extend both healthspan and lifespan by an additional 2-3 decades, enabling healthier and more fulfilling lives.
Our three core offerings

To innovate actionable biomarkers and efficatious nutraceuticals
To help every person, old or young, healthy or not so healthy
We test actionable biomarkers that others don’t

Intracellular NAD® Test

AgingSOS® Biomarker Panels

Cellular Senescence Panel

Vitality↑® NAD+ Booster
A patent-pending, clinically validated formulation guaranteed to boost your NAD levels to the optimum range. It contains four natural ingredients that work synergistically to elevate NAD and revitalize your cells.
This unique blend provides numerous functional benefits, including higher energy, faster recovery, better sleep, improved mental clarity, and reduced inflammation. It also helps alleviate arthritis, muscle and joint pain, as well as allergic and asthmatic symptoms.
two fold risk free guarantee

healthier and longer