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New Formulation For Better Performance, Endurance,  Recovery and longevity.

Improve Muscle Mass, Energy and Brain Function.


This formulation contains creatine monohydrate and disodium ATP that work synergistically to provide many critical health benefits and revitalize your cells and body:

  • Two high purity and natural ingredients
  • Provide cellular energy currency: ATP
  • Store and release ATP to power your muscles as needed
  • Novel neurotransmitter for better brain function
  • Boost muscle mass, the most important longevity organ
  • Enhanced strength, endurance and recovery

A clinically proven formulation that combines two powerful ingredients (creatine monohydrate and disodium ATP) to not only optimize muscle and brain performance but also reduce memory age.

Each serving contains 4 grams of creatine monohydrate and 400 milligrams of disodium ATP. 

In addition to the important functions that each of the two ingredients offers to your body, they work synergistically to provide the unprecedented benefits.

ATP is your cellular energy currency.  The food you consume (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) turn into energy by becoming ATP that powers all cellular activities, especially muscle and brain activities. 

Creatine monohydrate is widely used for body building because it promotes muscle growth.  Less well know is the fact that it serves as a battery for ATP, the cellular energy, when there is excess in ATP, while ATP is released to power your cells such as muscle and brain cells when extra energy is needed.  More recently, Creatine is recognized as a potential neurotransmitter, but not widely known for this function. The Creatine+ formulation provides benefits to brain and muscle functions.

All ingredients are tested by third party laboratories and are of highest purity. Certificates of Analysis are available upon request.

Shipping & Returns

Free regular shipping to US customers for orders over $200

International shipping is free for orders over $500 and $24.99 for orders less than $500.

60 day money back guarantee for unopened  and returned products.

Recommended Use
  • One level scoop of powder in 5-10 oz of room temperature water and drink with or without food.  
  • Each bottle contains 30 servings, a 30-day supply.
  • This product provides even better benefits if you also optimize your NAD which is required for the production of ATP by the mitochondria. Checkout our NAD test and Vitality Boost supplement.

What Are Customers Saying About Us?

Customers are raving about Jinfiniti’s supplements, as game-changers in promoting sustained energy, vitality, and overall well-being.

Achieve Peak Muscle and Longevity with Creatine+

Builds muscle mass and strength
Sustains your mobility & vitality as you age
Boosts brain health and cognition
Reduces fatigue, boosts daily energy
Supports endurance, faster recovery from training

The Science and Data Behind Creatine+

Why should I care about Creatine?

Boost muscle mass
Improve endurance, recovery
Store ATP
Reduce memory age by 6.2 years

Why should I care about ATP?

Currency for cellular energy.
There is no life without ATP

Creatine+ helps you build muscle and strength so you can

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

Recover faster from workout aches and pains

Recover faster from workout aches and pains

Keep your memory sharp and brain healthy as you age

Keep your memory sharp and brain healthy as you age

Enjoy sustained energy throughout the day

Enjoy sustained energy throughout the day

Creatine stores ATP in resting muscle and release it during activities

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

At resting state when you have ATP you do not need, ATP is used to convert creatine to phosphocreatine and helps you to store ATP.

Improve mobility and prevent falls and injuries

During high physical or brain activities, phosphocreatine releases its high energy phosphate group to ADP to quickly produce ATP that powers your muscle and brain activities.

Why do we combine creatine and ATP in the same supplement?

Yes, our NAD testing results have shown that the Accuri® Vitality Boost outperforms many liposomal NAD products on the market. Liposomal formulation is not needed for supplements like NAD precursor that is water soluble.

Furthermore, a recent study has shown that accumulation of liposomes has serious side effects and one should avoid taking liposomal products that do not offer better efficacy.

Our Scientific & Medical Advisors and Consultants

The company was founded by a team of scientists with highly successful academic careers with a desire to bring powerful and positive change to the health and longevity field by developing a number of innovative biomarkers that are not available anywhere else in the world. 
President of American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)
Past President of American Diabetes Association, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida
Past President of American Chiropractic Association Rehabilitation Council
Founder of WellB4Life, International Medical Advisor
Orthopedic Sports Medicine Surgeon, President of Hughston Orthopedics Southeast, Founder and CEO of Precision Longevity
Founder and Medical Director, Personalized Preventive Medicine


What is different about Jinfiniti’s Creatine+?

Jinfiniti’s Creatine+ is an unique product that combines two critical nutrients: creatine monohydrate and ATP. You get both ingredients for the price of one.  Other products only have creatine or ATP.

What are the benefits of taking Creatine+ ?

Combining creatine and ATP in a single product offers a synergistic effect that enhances the health benefits of each individual component. Here are the key health benefits of this combined product:

1. Enhanced Exercise Performance

  • Increased Energy Supply: ATP serves as the immediate energy currency of the cell, and creatine helps replenish ATP stores during high-intensity exercise. This combination ensures a continuous and rapid supply of energy, improving performance during short, explosive activities like sprinting and weightlifting.
  • Improved Muscle Strength and Power: The combined supplementation of creatine and ATP has been shown to significantly enhance muscle strength and power output, leading to better overall exercise performance and muscle gains.

2. Faster Muscle Recovery

  • Reduced Muscle Fatigue: Creatine helps buffer lactic acid buildup in muscles, while ATP supports cellular repair and recovery processes. Together, they reduce muscle fatigue and soreness, allowing for quicker recovery between workouts.
  • Enhanced Muscle Repair: The combination aids in the repair of damaged muscle tissues, promoting faster recovery and reducing the risk of injury from intense training sessions.

3. Improved Cognitive Function

  • Increased Brain Energy Levels: Both creatine and ATP are involved in energy metabolism in the brain. Supplementation can enhance cognitive function, particularly in tasks requiring short-term memory and quick thinking, by ensuring an adequate energy supply to brain cells.
  • Neuroprotective Effects: Creatine and ATP may have neuroprotective properties that support brain health and protect against neurodegenerative diseases. Creatine is a newly discovered neurotransmitter that facilitates neuronal cell communications.

4. Enhanced Cellular Health and Longevity

  • Support for Mitochondrial Function: ATP is critical for mitochondrial function, and creatine supports ATP production. This combination can improve overall cellular energy metabolism, enhancing cell health and longevity.
  • Reduced Oxidative Stress: Creatine has antioxidant properties, and together with ATP, it helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to better overall health.


The combined supplementation of creatine and ATP offers a powerful synergy that enhances exercise performance, accelerates muscle recovery, improves cognitive function, and supports overall cellular health. This combination can be particularly beneficial for athletes, older adults, and individuals looking to improve their physical and mental performance.

Does Creatine decline with age?

Yes, creatine levels do decline with age. Here are some key points and sources to support this information:

Key Points

  1. Muscle Mass and Creatine Levels:

    • Muscle mass tends to decrease with age, a condition known as sarcopenia. Since creatine is stored in muscle tissue, a reduction in muscle mass leads to a corresponding decline in creatine stores.
    • This reduction in muscle creatine can contribute to decreased physical performance and increased fatigue in older adults.
  2. Dietary Intake and Absorption:

    • Older adults might consume less dietary creatine because of changes in dietary habits or reduced appetite. Additionally, the efficiency of creatine absorption may decline with age.
    • Dietary sources of creatine include meat and fish, which some older adults may consume less frequently due to dietary restrictions or preferences.
  3. Metabolic Changes:

    • The body’s ability to synthesize creatine might decrease with age. This decline in endogenous synthesis, combined with lower dietary intake, contributes to reduced overall creatine levels in the body.

Supporting Evidence

  1. Scientific Studies:

    • A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that older adults have lower muscle creatine concentrations compared to younger individuals. Supplementation with creatine can help restore these levels, improving muscle strength and function .
    • Another study in Aging Cell highlighted that creatine supplementation in older adults can improve muscle function, suggesting that creatine stores are indeed lower in this population and can benefit from supplementation .
  2. Clinical Observations:

    • Clinical observations and trials have consistently shown that older adults experience significant benefits from creatine supplementation, including improvements in muscle mass, strength, and cognitive function. These benefits suggest that creatine levels are suboptimal in older populations and can be improved through supplementation.


Creatine levels decline with age due to factors like reduced muscle mass, lower dietary intake, and decreased endogenous synthesis. Supplementation can help counteract these declines, improving physical performance and overall health in older adults.


  1. Journal of Applied Physiology
  2. Aging Cell
  3. PubMed: Creatine and Aging
What are the signs of low Creatine levels?

Low creatine levels can lead to various signs and symptoms, primarily affecting physical performance, muscle function, and overall energy levels. Here are some common signs of low creatine levels:

Physical and Muscular Symptoms

  1. Muscle Weakness and Fatigue:

    • Reduced creatine levels can lead to decreased muscle strength and endurance, making it more challenging to perform high-intensity activities or prolonged exercise sessions .
  2. Decreased Muscle Mass:

    • Creatine plays a crucial role in muscle growth and maintenance. Low levels can contribute to muscle atrophy or a reduction in muscle mass, particularly noticeable in older adults .
  3. Prolonged Recovery Time:

    • Individuals with low creatine levels may experience longer recovery times after physical activity, as creatine is essential for replenishing ATP stores and repairing muscle tissue .

Cognitive and Mental Symptoms

  1. Mental Fatigue and Brain Fog:

    • Creatine is also involved in brain energy metabolism. Low levels can lead to symptoms such as mental fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and general cognitive decline .
  2. Memory and Cognitive Function:

    • Some studies suggest that low creatine levels can impact memory and overall cognitive function, potentially exacerbating issues related to aging or neurological conditions .

Metabolic and General Health Symptoms

  1. Low Energy Levels:

    • Creatine is a critical component in the production and recycling of ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell. Low creatine levels can result in general feelings of tiredness and reduced energy .
  2. Reduced Exercise Performance:

    • Individuals with low creatine levels may notice a significant drop in their exercise performance, especially in activities that require short bursts of high-intensity effort, such as sprinting or weightlifting .

Specific Conditions

  1. Conditions with Increased Creatine Demand:
    • Certain medical conditions, such as muscular dystrophy, heart failure, and other chronic diseases, can increase the body’s demand for creatine, making supplementation necessary to prevent deficiencies and support overall health .


Low creatine levels can affect various aspects of physical, cognitive, and overall health. Supplementation can help address these deficiencies, improving muscle function, energy levels, and cognitive performance.


  1. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
  2. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
  3. Aging Cell
  4. PubMed: Creatine and Aging
  5. Mayo Clinic: Creatine Supplement Benefits
  6. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
  7. Neurotherapeutics
  8. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
  9. European Heart Journal
  10. Experimental Gerontology
  11. Clinical Science
  12. Diabetes Care
At what age can I begin to take Creatine+ ?

Creatine supplementation is generally considered safe for healthy individuals of various ages, but it is most commonly recommended for adults. Here are some guidelines and considerations for starting creatine supplementation:

General Guidelines

  1. Adults:

    • Creatine supplementation is widely studied and recommended for adults, particularly those involved in high-intensity sports or resistance training. Most studies involve participants aged 18 and older.
    • For adults, the typical dosage is 3-5 grams per day, which can help improve exercise performance, muscle mass, and overall health.
  2. Teenagers:

    • While creatine is also considered safe for teenagers, it is important to approach supplementation with caution. Studies suggest that teenagers aged 16 and older can safely use creatine under proper supervision and guidance, particularly if they are engaged in competitive sports or high-intensity training.
    • The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) states that creatine is safe and effective for athletes, including those in adolescence, when used at recommended doses .
  3. Children:

    • Creatine supplementation for children under the age of 16 is generally not recommended unless under the supervision of a healthcare provider. There is limited research on the safety and efficacy of creatine in younger children.
    • In specific medical conditions, such as certain muscular dystrophies or metabolic disorders, creatine may be prescribed by a healthcare professional to help improve muscle function and overall quality of life.

Safety Considerations

Ensure the use of high-quality creatine supplements and adhere to recommended dosages. Overuse or poor-quality supplements can lead to adverse effects, although creatine is generally well-tolerated.

  1. Hydration and Nutrition:

    • Proper hydration and a balanced diet are important when taking creatine. Adequate water intake helps mitigate potential side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or muscle cramping.


  • Adults: Creatine supplementation is well-supported by research and can be beneficial for adults, particularly those engaged in high-intensity exercise.
  • Teenagers: Can consider creatine under proper guidance, especially if involved in competitive sports.
  • Children: Generally not recommended unless prescribed for specific medical conditions and under medical supervision.


  1. International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Position Stand: Safety and Efficacy of Creatine Supplementation in Exercise, Sport, and Medicine
  2. Mayo Clinic: Creatine Supplement Benefits
  3. PubMed: Safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in children and adolescents
  4. WebMD: Creatine for Athletes

By following these guidelines and consulting with healthcare professionals, individuals can make informed decisions about starting creatine supplementation.

Can I have too much Creatine?

Yes, it is possible to consume too much creatine, which can lead to various side effects and potential health issues. Here are the key points to consider:

Recommended Dosage

  1. Standard Dosage:
    • The typical maintenance dose of creatine is 3-5 grams per day, which is considered safe and effective for most individuals.
    • During the initial “loading phase,” some individuals take higher doses (e.g., 20 grams per day divided into 4 doses) for 5-7 days to saturate muscle creatine stores more quickly, followed by the maintenance dose.

Potential Side Effects of Excessive Creatine Intake

  1. Gastrointestinal Distress:

    • High doses of creatine can cause stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. These symptoms are more common when taking large doses at once rather than spreading them out throughout the day.
    • Water Retention and Weight Gain:

      • Creatine can cause water retention in muscle cells, leading to a temporary increase in body weight. High doses may exacerbate this effect, which can be undesirable for some individuals.
    • Muscle Cramping:

      • Although not conclusively proven, some individuals report muscle cramps when using creatine, especially at higher doses.

    Long-term Use and Safety

    1. Long-term Effects:

      Medical Supervision:

      • Individuals with pre-existing health conditions should consult with a healthcare provider before starting creatine supplementation.
        • Long-term use of creatine at recommended doses (3-5 grams per day) is generally considered safe. However, the safety of high doses over extended periods is less well-studied.


    While creatine is generally safe and beneficial when taken at recommended doses, excessive intake can lead to adverse effects. It is important to adhere to the recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if there are any underlying health concerns.


    1. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
    2. Mayo Clinic: Creatine Supplement Benefits
    3. WebMD: Creatine Uses and Risks
    4. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    Does Creatine cause kidney damage?

    Creatine supplementation is often misunderstood, particularly concerning its effects on kidney function. Here are the key points clarified based on current evidence and expert insights, including those from Jinfiniti and Professor Jin-Xiong She.

    Key Points

    1. Case Reports of Kidney Damage:

      • Isolated Case: There is only one well-documented case report of kidney damage in an individual who consumed very high doses of creatine. This individual took doses far exceeding the recommended amounts, which is not representative of typical usage.
      • Reference: This case is often cited in discussions about creatine safety, but it is important to note that it is an isolated incident and not reflective of the effects at recommended dosages .
    2. Creatinine Levels and eGFR:

      • Increase in Creatinine: Creatine supplementation can lead to an increase in serum creatinine levels because creatine is metabolized into creatinine. This increase is a normal physiological response and not indicative of kidney damage.
      • eGFR Misinterpretation: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is commonly used to assess kidney function, calculated based on creatinine levels. An increase in creatinine can lower the eGFR, leading to a false impression of impaired kidney function.
      • Supporting Data: Jinfiniti and Professor Jin-Xiong She have data showing that while creatinine levels increase with creatine supplementation, other kidney biomarkers remain unchanged. This indicates that the kidneys are functioning normally despite the elevated creatinine .
    3. Misinterpretation of Data:

      • Widespread Misinterpretation: The notion that creatine causes kidney issues is largely due to the misinterpretation of elevated creatinine levels. Elevated creatinine in the context of creatine supplementation reflects increased creatine metabolism rather than impaired kidney function.
      • Clarifying Publications: Leading medical institutions and publications sometimes perpetuate this misunderstanding. More nuanced interpretations, considering other kidney function markers, are necessary to avoid misleading conclusions about creatine’s safety.

    Supporting Evidence

    1. Studies on Healthy Individuals:

    2. Expert Opinions:

      • Experts, including Professor Jin-Xiong She of Jinfiniti, emphasize that the increase in creatinine should be viewed in the context of other kidney function markers. If these markers remain stable, there is no evidence of kidney damage.
      • Supporting Data: Jinfiniti’s research supports the safety of creatine supplementation, showing no adverse effects on kidney biomarkers apart from the expected rise in creatinine.


    Creatine supplementation, when taken at recommended doses, does not cause kidney damage. The rise in creatinine levels seen with supplementation reflects increased creatine metabolism and not compromised kidney function. Misinterpretations of these changes have led to widespread misconceptions about creatine’s safety. Comprehensive evaluations considering all kidney function markers are necessary to accurately assess the impact of creatine.


    1. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition: Creatine supplementation and kidney function
    2. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine: Long-term creatine supplementation
    3. Mayo Clinic: Creatine Supplement Benefits and Risks
    4. Jinfiniti Precision Medicine: Research and data on creatine and kidney biomarkers.
    Does Creatine interfere with other supplements or medicines?

    Creatine is generally considered safe for most people, but it can interact with certain supplements and medications. Here are some potential interactions to be aware of:

    Potential Interactions with Supplements

    1. Caffeine:

      • Synergistic Effects: Some studies suggest that combining creatine with caffeine can enhance performance benefits, but the evidence is mixed.
      • Possible Interference: There are indications that caffeine might interfere with the body’s ability to use creatine effectively. For instance, some research has shown that caffeine may counteract the benefits of creatine in high-intensity exercise and muscle recovery .
    2. Other Stimulants:

      • Combining creatine with other stimulants (e.g., ephedrine) can increase the risk of side effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure.

    Potential Interactions with Medications

    Diuretics increase urine production, which can lead to dehydration. Creatine also requires increased water intake to avoid dehydration and muscle cramping, so combining these might exacerbate dehydration risks.

    Do I need to continue with Creatine?

    Continuing with creatine supplementation depends on your personal goals and health status. If you are looking to maintain or improve muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance, ongoing creatine supplementation can be beneficial. It is also helpful for older adults to counteract age-related muscle loss and improve cognitive function. However, if you are not actively training or do not have specific health goals that benefit from creatine, you may not need to continue supplementation.

    Key Points:

    • Exercise and Performance: If you are engaged in high-intensity exercise or strength training, continuing creatine can help maintain muscle mass and performance .
    • Aging and Muscle Health: For older adults, creatine can help reduce sarcopenia and support overall muscle health .
    • Safety: Creatine is generally safe for long-term use at recommended doses .

    Consult with a healthcare provider to tailor your supplementation to your individual needs and health conditions.


    1. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
    2. Mayo Clinic: Creatine
    3. PubMed: Creatine Supplementation in Older Adults
    4. National Institutes of Health (NIH)