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The Power of Walking: How to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, and Other Chronic Conditions

Written by Jinfiniti Science. Reviewed by Prof. Jin-Xiong She.

Do you or someone in your family struggle to manage a chronic illness?

Shockingly,  almost 95% of adults aged 60 and older have at least one chronic condition, while nearly 80% have two or more1, according to the National Council on Aging. 

This means that in nearly every home, someone is affected by a chronic disease.

These diseases account for 71% of all deaths globally, with cardiovascular diseases leading the way to 17.9 million deaths every year.2

Despite these scary stats, a simple yet powerful solution might be right at our feet: walking. 

This form of exercise requires no fancy gear or gym membership.

Everyone can do it regardless of their fitness level or budget.

In this article, we’ll explore how adding a bit of walking to your daily routine can make a difference in fighting chronic diseases. 

Understanding Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases, also known as noncommunicable diseases  (NCDs), are long-term medical conditions that are typically progressive and persistent. 

According to the National Cancer Institute, these conditions often last for three months or longer and may worsen over time.3 

Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines chronic diseases as lasting one year or more, needing regular medical care, and often limiting daily activities. 

While definitions vary slightly across health organizations, they all agree that these diseases seriously affect people’s lives.

The World Health Organization groups chronic diseases into four main types:4 

  • Cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and stroke)
  • Cancers
  • Chronic respiratory diseases (such as asthma and cystic fibrosis)
  • Diabetes

The CDC also adds conditions like obesity, arthritis, and oral health diseases5 to the list. 

Common Risk Factors and Causes of Chronic Diseases

Although chronic diseases aren’t contagious like infectious diseases, they spread everywhere due to shared risk factors, including… 

Unhealthy Diet

Did you know what you eat greatly affects your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some cancers?6 

In 2017 alone, poor diet contributed to about 11 million deaths worldwide.7 

Eating too much salt and not enough veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats are strongly linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

A diet high in sodium is particularly linked to a higher chance of dying from heart and metabolic issues.8

On top of that, too much sugar and refined carbs can up your chances of getting type 2 diabetes, becoming overweight, or developing metabolic syndrome.

When saturated fats and sugars team up, they can also ramp up the risk of kidney and liver diseases.

Unlike natural sugars found in foods, added sugars are especially bad for your health. 

Making informed choices about what you eat can have a huge impact on your health and quality of life in the years to come. 

Inactive Lifestyle

You’ve heard it all before: being a couch potato, not exercising, leading a sedentary lifestyle. 

It all means sitting or lying down a lot with hardly any physical activity. 

These days, more people are glued to screens, whether it’s computers, TVs, or video games. 

Commutes involve long hours sitting in cars, buses, or trains. 

And jobs? They’re more desk-bound than ever before.

In 2011, a study across 76 countries with nearly 300,000 people over the age of 15 found that 1 in 5 weren’t getting enough physical activity9.

This sedentary lifestyle has become the norm, and it’s hurting our health.

Not moving much increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and metabolic issues like diabetes and hypertension. 

Physical inactivity is now the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality,10 responsible for 6% of deaths worldwide.

Getting into an active routine will keep you healthy and boost your quality of life.

Tobacco Use

Cigarette smoking remains a huge global health threat, taking a heavy toll on people and society alike.

Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, with at least 69 known to cause cancer and many others that are toxic11

When you breathe these in, they affect almost every organ of your body and seriously harm your health.

Even smoking just one cigarette a day for years can lead to smoking-related cancers (lung, bladder, and pancreas).

The more you smoke, the higher your chances of getting cancer grow over time.

In the US, smoking is the top cause of preventable, early deaths12, claiming about 480,000 deaths annually. Of these, 36% are due to cancer, 39% to heart disease and stroke, and 24% to lung disease. 

Surprisingly, more Americans have died prematurely from smoking — more than ten times over 13than in all the country’s wars combined. 

This only shows why we need to tackle smoking-related health issues head-on with focused actions. 

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol, often seen as a social aid, comes with serious health risks that escalate when consumed excessively.

Even though your body can handle a little alcohol, drinking too much overwhelms it, allowing alcohol to circulate throughout your body. 

This can cause various health risks, even if you don’t drink a lot.

Alcohol is classified as a carcinogen, increasing the likelihood of several cancers, including those affecting the breast, liver, and neck. 

Beyond cancer, alcohol consumption is linked to many chronic diseases.

In fact, the International Classification of Disease attributes 25 chronic disease and condition codes entirely to alcohol.14 

One alarming aspect is its impact on high blood pressure, where the risk goes up with more drinking15

Studies have found that cardiovascular deaths spike on weekends16 when heavy drinking is more common, like in Lithuania.

In 2019, alcohol was tied to 4.4% of cancers worldwide, resulting in approximately 401,000 cancer-related deaths. 

This shows how alcohol affects public health worldwide, highlighting the need for preventive measures.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in the development of chronic diseases. 

This means that some people are more prone to develop specific conditions because of their genes. 

This susceptibility can stem from mutations in single genes or how different genes interact with the environment.

Many chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, exhibit varying degrees of genetic influence. 

For example, a large study involving over 23,000 participants across four Caucasian populations identified a specific spot on chromosome 9, called 9p21. 

Variations in this genetic region raise the risk of coronary heart disease17.

Similarly, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) is heavily influenced by genetics. 

If one of your parents has diabetes, you face a 40% chance of getting it too. That risk almost doubles if both parents have it.18 

By tailoring health strategies to fit your genetic profile, we can better manage and prevent these diseases, giving you more control over your health choices. 

Environmental Factors

Environmental risk factors account for about 23% of all global deaths, with about two-thirds of these deaths due to chronic diseases.19 

Air pollution is the biggest threat, ranking fourth among all health risk factors globally. 

Annually, air pollution causes 7 million deaths worldwide, with nearly 85% of these linked to chronic diseases20 like heart disease, stroke, COPD, asthma, and lung cancer.

While air pollution gets most of the attention, other environmental issues also contribute to chronic diseases. 

These include radiation, noise pollution, land use patterns, workplace exposures, and the growing impact of climate change. 

Each of these factors can exert lasting health effects, particularly with early or long-term exposure.

Taking steps to reduce exposure to environmental hazards, such as improving air quality standards and promoting sustainable practices, can greatly mitigate health risks.

The Benefits of Walking

When done correctly, walking can offer several benefits that go beyond physical fitness, including…. 

Improved Heart Health

Walking is great for the heart and helps improve circulation. 

When you go for a stroll, your heart rate picks up, boosting blood flow across your entire body21

Your capillaries, the small blood vessels in your body, also widen to clear out waste products. 

This enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and vital nutrients to your cells, helping to keep cardiovascular issues at bay.

Regular walking also strengthens your heart muscle22, much like how other muscles benefit from exercise. 

This makes your heart more efficient at pumping blood to your lungs and throughout your body, which lowers the risk of heart failure over time.

The American College of Cardiology found that walking more each day can lower systolic blood pressure23. Specifically, they observed a drop of about 0.45 points for every 1,000 steps. 

So, if you walk 10,000 steps daily, your systolic blood pressure could be 2.25 points lower than someone who walks just 5,000 steps.

But don’t stress if 10,000 steps feel like too much. 

Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that any amount of daily steps above the referent 2,200 steps/day can help reduce the risk of heart disease and premature death24.

Even small improvements in daily walking are better than no walking at all. 

In fact, walking just 30 minutes a day, five days a week can lower your risk of coronary heart disease by 19%.25 

If you can’t squeeze in a 30-minute walk all at once, splitting it into three 10-minute walks spread across five days works just as well!26

And if you increase the time or distance you walk each day, you could reduce your risk even further. 

It’s a simple, effective way to keep your heart healthy and strong.

Weight Management

Walking is also a powerful way to manage weight and boost overall health. 

Simply adding 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can help you burn an extra 150 calories. 

That’s like turning a simple walk into a calorie-burning session that pays off over time.

According to the CDC, if you walk briskly at about 3.5 miles per hour, you can burn around 180 calories in 30 minutes if you weigh about 154 pounds. 

The more you walk, the more calories you expend,27 making it an easy way to support weight management.

But it’s not just about the calories. Walking also helps improve your body composition. 

Recent research highlighted in the journal Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science shows that regular walking can help improve weight, BMI, visceral fat, and fat mass28.

It’s a sustainable approach because walking is accessible anytime, anywhere, making it easier to stick with over the long term.

Improved Mental Health

Walking is a game-changer for your mind too. 

Just 10 minutes of walking can lift your mood. 

It’s all thanks to endorphins—the body’s natural mood boosters that kick in during your stroll. 

But there’s more: walking also boosts your brainpower. 

It supports cognitive function and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain, enhancing overall brain function over time. 

Research from the American Psychological Association even suggests that regular walking can sharpen your decision-making skills. 

In fact, brain scans have shown that brisk walkers have more efficient brain activity compared to those who just opt for educational seminars29.

For older adults, especially women, walking regularly can be particularly beneficial. 

Studies have shown that physical exercise, like walking, improves brain function and can help prevent cognitive decline.30 

So, when you take that step out the door, you’re giving your brain a workout that enhances mental clarity and well-being.

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Walking is also a powerful way to fight diabetes. 

One of its key benefits is its ability to boost insulin sensitivity. 

This means your cells become more responsive to insulin, helping them efficiently absorb glucose from your bloodstream. 

Research shows that even as little as 17 minutes of brisk walking a day can slash your risk of developing diabetes by 31%.31 

The more intense those steps are, the greater the risk reduction. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Walking can also work wonders on your blood sugar levels. 

A short walk right after a meal, just a couple of minutes long, can lead to lower blood sugar levels32.

Post-meal moderate-intensity walking can reduce glucose spikes, making it a smart strategy to manage overall blood sugar levels.

The American Heart Association recommends doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week—like brisk walking—to ward off diabetes caused by not being active enough33

Fights Obesity

Walking is also beneficial, especially when it comes to fighting obesity.

As mentioned earlier, when you briskly walk for just 30 minutes a day, you’re burning 150-200 calories. 

Over time, this daily calorie deficit adds up, helping you shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

Plus, walking also boosts your metabolism. 

It makes your body more efficient at using glucose and reducing visceral fat—the dangerous fat stored around your organs. 

This type of fat is closely linked to health risks associated with obesity, making walking a vital tool in keeping those risks at bay.

And let’s not forget about appetite control. 

Walking helps regulate hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which influence how hungry or full you feel.34 

This makes it easier to eat well and stay on track with healthy eating habits.

Relieves Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Walking is also a powerful antidote for stress, anxiety, and depression, offering immediate and lasting benefits for mental well-being.

It helps regulate the stress hormone, cortisol, while triggering the release of endorphins35 that lift your mood and reduce stress. 

A study published in the Molecular Psychiatry journal revealed that even a 20 to 30-minute stroll during lunch breaks can notably lower cortisol levels,36 making it an accessible stress-buster for busy schedules.

But it’s not just about the time spent walking; where you walk matters too. 

A leisurely hour in nature can decrease stress levels, thanks to the calming effect natural environments have on the brain. 

For those battling anxiety, regular walking shifts focus away from worries and into the present moment.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America notes that just five minutes of walking can kickstart anti-anxiety effects37, offering immediate relief.

Plus, walking boosts serotonin—a brain chemical essential that helps regulate mood and promotes feelings of happiness. 

According to a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry, adults who do brisk walking for about two and a half hours per week were 25% less likely to experience depression38 compared to those who just sit around. 

Supports Healthy Bones

When you hit the pavement or trail, you’re not only getting your steps in but also stimulating bone formation and maintaining density. 

This means less risk of osteoporosis and stronger, healthier bones overall.

A study published in the American Journal of Medicine highlights that walking slows the rate of leg bone loss and keeps the skeleton strong.39

Aim for brisk walks, 30 minutes a day, three or more times a week40, to help keep your bones in top shape. 

Walking also activates osteoblasts41, the cells responsible for bone formation, leading to increased bone density over time.

But it’s not just about bones. Walking makes your joints happy too. 

It keeps your joints flexible, reduces stiffness, and helps circulate joint fluid,42 ensuring that your joint cartilage stays well-nourished. 

Think of it as giving your body’s hinges a regular oiling to keep them smooth and functional.

5 Steps To Incorporate Walking Into Your Routine

walking for chronic diseases - jinfiniti precision medicine

Here are some practical tips to help you get started with adding walking into your routine and staying motivated:

1. Start slow and gradually increase intensity and duration.

Starting a new exercise routine can be exciting, but it’s important to pace yourself. 

Begin with short walks at a comfortable speed that you can easily manage. 

Think of it as a time to enjoy the fresh air, clear your mind, and get your body moving without any pressure.

As you become more comfortable with your walking routine, you can gradually increase the length and intensity of your walks. 

The key is to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially at the beginning. 

This will help you build a sustainable habit without risking injury or burnout.

2. Set realistic goals and track progress.

Setting realistic goals can keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment. 

Start with something manageable, like walking for 20 minutes a day, three times a week. 

Use a pedometer, fitness tracker, or a simple smartphone app to monitor your steps and progress. 

Watching those numbers go up can be incredibly rewarding and a great motivator to keep going. 

Celebrate your milestones, whether it’s your first full week of regular walks or reaching a new distance.

3. Find a walking buddy or join a walking group.

Walking doesn’t have to be a solo activity. 

Finding a walking buddy or joining a group can make your walks more enjoyable and help you stay committed. 

Having someone to chat with can make the time fly by, and the social aspect can add an extra layer of motivation. 

Look for local walking clubs or community groups, or use social media to find like-minded people in your area.

4. Choose safe and enjoyable walking routes.

The environment you walk in can make a big difference in how much you enjoy it. 

Choose routes that are safe, well-lit, and pleasant. 

Parks, nature trails, and scenic neighborhoods can make your walks more enjoyable. 

Don’t be afraid to mix things up and explore new areas to keep things interesting.

5. Take up a challenge!

If walking for yourself doesn’t quite motivate you, why not do it for a good cause? 

Many charities organize walking challenges throughout the year, offering you the perfect opportunity to put your steps to good use. 

Participating in a charity walk not only benefits your health but also supports a cause you care about. 

It’s a win-win situation – you stay fit, and others benefit from your efforts.

Sometimes the best way to make walking a habit is to integrate it into your daily routine. Here are a few ideas:

  • Schedule walking meetings instead of sitting in a conference room.
  • Park further away from your destination to add extra steps.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.
  • Walk during breaks or after meals to aid digestion and reduce stress.
  • Walk your pet or your neighbor’s.
  • Take frequent breaks from your desk to go to the bathroom. 
  • Walk to run errands instead of driving. 
  • Set a timer to remind you to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.

Finally, to get the best results from your walking routine, consider supplementing with Creatine+ and NAD. 

These supplements can help enhance muscle strength and energy levels, complementing the benefits of regular walking.

3 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Chronic Disease with NAD

Step 1: Order the Intracellular NAD test today.

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. 

This test can help you determine if you are deficient in NAD, assess the effectiveness of your NAD supplement, and find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Creatine+ and Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you lower your risk of acquiring chronic diseases.

Buy Intracellular NAD® Test here.

Step 2: Take Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

When it comes to optimizing your NAD levels, there’s nothing quite like Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

This supplement is meticulously formulated to provide a potent blend of natural ingredients that work synergistically to enhance your vitality and health.

It is a clinically validated formulation consisting of NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide that work synergistically to help:

  • Lowers your risk of chronic diseases
  • Support health heart
  • Support healthy blood sugar levels
  • Manage fatigue
  • Boost energy and improve performance
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support inflammation, muscle, and joint pains
  • And more.

Buy Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster here.

Step 3: Take Creatine + 

If you want to boost your energy, recover from your training fast, and lower your risk of chronic diseases, Jinfiniti’s Creatine+ can help.

With Creatine+, you can expect to experience…

  • A burst of energy to help you complete your workouts and stay energized throughout the day. 

While creatine offers energy, Creatine+ also contains ATP, which is essential for muscle energy production and can enhance your performance even further. Other products on the market typically offer only one of these key energy components.

  • Faster progress in muscle growth and strength development. 

Creatine+ is designed to support and enhance your body’s natural muscle-building processes, helping you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.

  • Faster recovery from your workouts than ever before. 

While aches and pains after exercise are normal, Creatine+ can help reduce these discomforts, allowing you to recover quickly and get back to your training with minimal downtime.

  • Building muscle not only improves your physical appearance but also contributes to your overall health and longevity. 

Maintaining muscle mass can help you avoid injuries and common issues associated with muscle loss, bone density reduction, and strength decline as you age. Creatine+ supports your muscle health, helping you live a healthier, more active life.

⇒ Buy Creatine+ here.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster fails to increase your NAD levels and Creatine+ does not boost your energy, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.

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